This tree represents hospitality

Small-leaved lime planted on TalentOrange campus

A Small-leaved lime was the present of Herbert Hunkel, Mayor of Neu-Isenburg, for the opening of the training campus (location of German language school and nursing school of TalentOrange) in Neu-Isenburg: "This tree stands for hospitality". He is pleased that the young company has chosen Neu-Isenburg as its campus location. Prospective nurses are happy welcoming their new, green roommate.

October 1, 2021, the ten young people from eight countries began their generalist training / formation as nurses in Neu-Isenburg.

The dual training started at the nationwide first campus for qualification of international professionals, the TalentOrange campus.

The practical phases begin in December, with the company's own outpatient nursing service, the Sana Klinikum in Offenbach and the diaconal company "Mission Leben", a provider of old people's homes and a hospice, being among the first stations.

[Translate to en:] Geschenkübergabe TalentOrange Bürgermeister
[Translate to en:] Unterricht am Campus

In addition to high school diploma and high level of motivation, German was another pre-requirement for starting the apprenticeship. The promotion of young talents in the healthcare system is one of the adjusting screws of the training provider. Due to the high number of good applications from abroad, around 80% of the selected trainees attended a German-as-a-foreign language (DaF) course at the TalentOrange language school before starting their training and completed it with the B2 certificate.

The Christmas season in Germany is a first time experience for all ten trainees (called “Azubis” in Germany) and is expected with anticipation.